ABN AMRO is a Dutch bank serving Retail, Private and Corporate Banking clients with a focus on the Netherlands and selective operations internationally.Climate change is a focal point in ABN AMRO’s sustainability strategy. In its Mission 2030 initiative, ABN AMRO has set a clear target: by 2030, the average energy label of all homes and offices the bank helps finance must be ‘A’. As a result, ABN AMRO will achieve a reduction of 2 megatonnes of carbon emissions per year starting in 2030, which is equivalent to the annual emissions of 800,000 cars. ABN AMRO will also make sure that all the offices they use are energy-efficient and will support their clients and staff in their efforts to make their real estate more sustainable. ABN AMRO offers them advice, financing products, online tools and discounts. This includes online sustainability tools, sharing knowledge on energy innovation with their own real-estate as testing playground, and offering to fully finance investments in making commercial real estate more sustainable. This is one of the ways ABN AMRO creates value for its clients, employees, investors and society as a whole.