H2ARVESTER is an array of solar panels moving between the livestock, crops and across ditches, harvesting hydrogen for local use or storage.

Long description

H2ARVESTER will be available in 2 options A. Driving solar panels, on mobile ‘creep’-construction: a segment moves to the next segment per daypart or season, e.g. along with the crop rotation of farmers. B. Autonomous moving solar panels: moving between the livestock, crops and across ditches. H2arvester is an array of solar panels, assembled on a light weight structure and supported on wheels, random moving or on rails. The solar energy can be processed into hydrogen (H2) and stored locally. Hydrogen stock is used locally when needed; the surplus will be delivered to third parties. The solution to convert the generated kWh directly into hydrogen ensures not just an autonomous functioning installation, but is also a solution for the need to balance the production and the use of generated energy while ensuring no electricity network reinforcements. Because the solar power plant is mobile, it can be seen as one extra crop in rotational cultivation that many arable farmers use. The variant where the installation ‘creeps’ across the land is literally double use of agricultural land.

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