Bit of energy is an educational adventure that makes children the energy experts of our society.

Long description

We have to become more efficient in saving energy to protect our environment. To do so we have to become aware of our personal energy consumption, which will make us feel more responsible for your our energy usage and puts us into action to take measures. Bit of Energy is an educational game in which children can explore energy. The tool teaches children what energy is, how much energy our home appliances use, and what the consequences of this usage are. By creating these understandings, Bit of Energy makes the children the energy experts of our society. The system consist out of an tangible crocodile that can measure energy over a cable of a device and a game that tells the story of Crocky. Crocky is a crocodile who wants to safe his environment. Crocky is a tangible crocodile toy that can be places around a cable. With this cable clip, the children can safely measure the current that is used by different household appliances. These measurements are then translated into a game on their smart phone or tablet. At the same time this mapping gives the parents a clear overview of the energy uses of specific appliances in their home, this is visualized in a different app for the parents. This game provides a perfect learning opportunity for the children and empowers them to be the energy consumption expert of the family. The technology used is a new state of the art technique, specially developed for Bit of Energy.

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