Carona a Pé is a StartUp that through multiplier training organizes groups of children to go to school together on foot.

Long description

In 2015 Carona a Pé came up and with a simple idea to solve a complex problem. If all children go to the same place and the same way why do they not go all together? How to improve the traffic and quality of life of children in large urban centers? Carona a Pé is a StartUp that, through multiplier training, sensitizes school communities to organize groups of children together to make the journey to and from school on foot. Children are accompanied by one or more adult supervisors (parents or teachers) following a pre-established route. Walking together is safer and provides many benefits. It reduces transit, creates links with the environment and generates a healthier life. Our desire is to awaken the eyes of adults and children for the importance of walking and building a new relationship with the city where they live. Today we work in three private schools in São Paulo and seven public schools in Belo Horizonte. Through technology we know we can scale and impact many more schools and children. Child generates movement and movement generates change. A good city for children is a good city for everyone.

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