Project uses existing structures to bring ventilation to the above timber structure while generating energy.

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The development of green principal should also be applied onto existing structures. By involving the community this will bring awareness to the people and also give them the skill to apply this simple principal to their own homes.

Starting small is key to any initiative, the application of small green screens to create a flow of cool air into the building, opening up the top of the stair shaft to allow hot air to escape increasing ventilation reducing the use of air conditioning. The  green belts will lead up to the these green energy towers that will act as beacons through Delhi. 20% of the buildings energy will come from south facing solar panels making use of the height of the building and to also act as shading device controlling the amount of sun entering the building. With a courtyard running all the way through the building the raising hot air will cause the wind turbine to spin producing at least some of the energy into the building. Vertical garden on some floor with work station and also giving accommodation to create a home work environment.

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