Network of people collaborating to collect and distribute wastes in clusters stablished in small areas to convert them in supplies.
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My idea is a project that integrates all efforts (however minimal they may seem) at a neighborhood level in an environmental governance scheme.
Clusters are concentrations that have the capacity to organize and identify the development of instruments to support the competitiveness of a community. E.g., if there are many motor vehicle repair workshops in an area, you can start with a cluster of tires and startups for recycling. The tire soles are comfortable, reused and cheap. Here there are great opportunities for design and art. They also serve to make super resistant mats, for pavement, insulators, etc.
Schools can contribute as waste collection centers. These materials will be collected and distributed from the cluster. For the proper functioning, diffusion campaigns, appropriation, counting on volunteers, inviting youtubers that reinforce the promotion and diffusion of the cluster will be necessary. Create applications to strengthen links, hence the name of E-co-nexus, because it is ecological, technological and based on networks. Some materials could be transferred to or from the cluster, through groups of volunteers who carry the materials on their bicycles. You can also replace garbage collection trucks with electric or biodisel.
Using clusters in certain small areas allows incorporating a governance framework on the territory that can be regulated and described according to the characteristics of each place. Governance promotes the interaction of political, economic and administrative systems for the management, use and transfer of waste from society under a participatory approach, involving users, planners and decision makers at all levels.
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