You can regulate the temperature of water coming from your rooftop water tanks using insulation, solar energy and sensor based mixing system
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Our vision is to cut down electrical energy use to heat up or cool down water being consumed in day to day activities hence providing convenience using solar energy.
India doesn’t have constant supply of water therefore people rely on the use of storage tanks (generally placed at the roof) for water security. These storage tanks get heated up in summers giving too hot water to touch and gives freezing cold water in winters. Imagine yourself on a toilet seat on a hot summer day in Delhi and you got to use the water jet…
We are working on a project which provides proper insulation avoiding heating up of water and by using solar evacuated tubes water can be heated up in a secondary tank. There will be a temperature regulator and a mixing system (sensor based) which can provide water at the temperature you wish.
Also, the ground water is too hard in Delhi causing hair fall and dryness of skin which is huge problem considering the fact India is a young nation with average age of around 28.6 years. We can upgrade the existing tanks to remove hardness therefore reducing wastage of water in ROs and better quality of water to deal with skin dryness and hair fall.
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