Website and/or free mobile application that provides information and incentives to people lower their energy use in thir homes

Long description

The intervention ladder (Griffiths & West, 2015) is an important tool in order to change people’s behaviour. The aim of this project is to provide information, enable choice and guide their choice through incentives

The website and/or mobile application provides information (based on research) on how to consume less energy (for example the optimal temperature for the fridge or in rooms etc). Providing information is very important, studies show that people a limited amount of information has a negative impact on the behaviour. The users will also be able to customise push notifications to remind them to do different actions in order to lower their energy use (turn off the heating before leaving…)

If the users prove their energy consumption gets lower every month, they get points that will allow them to get vouchers or discounts in local, sustainable and preferably carbon-neutral stores (food, clothing…). Referring people to use the applications will also allow them to get points.

There will also be partnerships with sustainable brands for people who want to replace their home appliance (bulbs, fridge…), and offering them discounts on A and A+ energy consumption level appliances. It will also allow them to discover new brands, that sometimes can be cheaper and better than the conventional brands.

Thus, we are enabling people (including landlords) to save energy but also to switch to more energy efficient appliances around their homes.

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