A Hydrogen Cell that converts water into Hydrogen & Oxygen gases. The gases increase Engines' combustion eficiency hence less Emissions

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A Hydrogen Cell that converts water into Hydrogen & Oxygen gases. These gases increase combustion efficiency of an engine and lower harmful emissions drastically. Long description (250 words) The Project is about a Hydrogen Cell or HHO Cell that converts water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases (HHO Gas). These gases can increase the combustion efficiency of an internal combustion engine significantly and lower harmful emissions drastically. If ignited, HHO gas catalyzes the fossil fuels to burn much faster, thoroughly and much cleaner, thereby causing a complete combustion of the fossil fuels. This process significantly lowers harmful emissions from an engine by converting the HHO into water which cleans out the carbon deposits from the engine. Fossil fuels burn at below 30% and by introducing HHO gas, it increases the combustion efficiency to over 85%. This reduces wasted energy and results to lower emissions and improved engine performance. The HHO Cell atomizes water (H2O) through Hydrolysis to form Hydrogen and Oxygen gas atoms. The Cell is powered by a direct current power source (like a car battery) to electrolyze the water into HHO. The Hydrogen gas is then fed directly into the air intake system of an engine where it blends with the normal air and fuel inside the engine. Upon ignition, HHO being highly combustible rapidly ignites acting as a combustion catalyst and causes the mixture to burn faster, more thoroughly, and much cleaner. After combustion the HHO converts back into water and this superheated steam cleans the combustion system.

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