The modern way of living with water is an illusion. IN SIGHT questions the complex paradox of a limited resource in unlimited access.
Long description
IN SIGHT is an alternative system based on the water infrastructures known in the urban environment (running water, pipes, sewages, etc.) With a strong focus on information, visibility and gestures, this system questions and challenges the way we perceive and interact with water in domestic and public environments, aiming towards a greater responsive use of this precious and limited resource. As an alternative to the easy opening of the tap, INSIGHT introduces pedal-pumping in the domestic environment. Plugged on the existing running water infrastructure, the pedal pump allows to shift from a passive access to water to a daily physical encounter with water. INSIGHT allows to engage closely with water by only consuming a resource physically earned. This close and active interaction connects water directly to the body and therefore limits and even prevents from unnecessary running water waste. This is one way to envision the future of water : earning your resource. Education and responsibility are in the core of this system: you pump your resource while you see it filling up your domestic water tower. Such physical gestures allow a more measurable use, but it also allow you to assess and understand what you need and use accordingly.
The average consumption in the Netherlands is of 120liters per day and per person. But do you know what that looks like ? Bonding with water through gestural measurement as well as through visual estimation could encourage a much clearer understanding of our consumption and a more responsible use.
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