Smart chair by using clean energies

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In addition to debates related to science and technology development and clean energy, one of the main debates is devices we use daily.

Using camel in transport system has been common in different civilizations since long time ago. In the meantime Asians were fastened wooden chamber on back of camel to be comfortable during travel and they were sitting on it as one person or two persons face to face.

Above design is based on sitting and getting up mode of camel and also a chamber which is put on the back of camel and it is memorial of past culture.

A smart park bench is where three persons can sit on it. Its bottom is made wood and it has capabilities such as adjustable table for eating food, drinking, friendly talking at evening or a place for mental games where is adjustable according to body position of people who sit on it. Other advantages of this device is that it turns in to fixed by coming out its sliding pedals. Additionally, it is a refreshing exercise device, it cheeks your body during exercise in terms of health and movement.

This device dose not need urban power and supplies its needed electricity by kinetic energy of pedals and its transforming in dynamo and then batteries and by solar panel. It uses stored energy by batteries for lighting LED lamp with high efficiency to supply lighting of the device and its around.

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