We are a design collective that create strategies to modify the consumption ideology. In this way we want to move to sustainable lifestyles

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Motampa is a project that seeks to take care of people’s links with nature. We are working together to respond to the environmental crisis. We’re designing to attack consumer habits that are cruel with nature. We decided to attack the commodification of life because currently Mexico lives the highest rates of violence in its history. This commodification of life implies thinking and valuing people for their capacity to consume. Later, this led us to attack our problem from textile waste because fast fashion has found a paradise in Mexico that offers cheap workforce and people with little environmental awareness to produce. We believe that the fight for a fairer world means fighting for the beings that are most oppressed and currently the most violated being is the earth. We choose Motampa because means “under you” in Nahuatl and we want that people learn to look under them. To learn this people have to look deep and in that deep look to learn to dream. As designers we want to resignify sustainability as a tool for social justice. We dream of rescuing alternatives that take care of the rhythms of the earth. For this we offer to generate design projects from an ethic of care to re-link people with nature, with the transformation of textile waste and education for sustainability and thus this generate community networks that take care of the planet.

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