The Outskirts Employment Guide (OEG) is a free platform that maps and shares job offers on the outskirts of the capital city and of Sao Paul

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Aiming to contribute with people finding job offers near their homes, improving their life quality, encouraging local and collaborative economy development, and urban mobility, the OEG (Outskirts Employment Guide) is a website that  spreads opportunities for dwellers of the outskirts of the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo.


Currently, 1,86 million people are unemployed in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo capital and, according to data gathered by Rede Nossa São Paulo (Our Sao Paulo Network), 36% of employed people don’t work in the same region as they live and spend at least two hours on the commute to perform their main day activity, which directly impacts the traffic in the city, that facing daily mishaps, can get to hundreds of kilometers of traffic jam.

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