Use of organic waste to produce clean energy, encouraging the selective collection, population awareness and wastelands renewal.

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We propose the implantation of hubs for the treatment of organic waste in order to produce electricity, and suggest vacant lots with garbage accumulation for that. The process starts with an education process for the population instructing the appropriate separation and correct destination of the waste, focusing on the separation of the non-recyclable materials between organic and inorganic, since the separation of the recyclable materials is well established.

The proposed system consists of a organic waste collection station that will produce clean energy by means of Solid Oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), which are devices that directly convert the chemical energy of a fuel, in the case of biogas extracted from the garbage, into electric energy, without the use of combustion processes. As an estimate, 50,000 liters of methane per ton of organic waste can be produced  considering the production of 300 kg of waste per person per year in the City of Mexico, this would make it possible to produce about 10 kW of electric energy in one hour per thousand people.

To stimulate the population, the ones who take the waste to the station get energy credits, for deduction into energy account. Besides, the service promote the reclassification of vacant lots with garbage accumulation, implementing a public equipment, produce organic fertilizer and contribute to the city’s electricity grid.

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