A colorful and enlightening electric-cars-dancing performance to celebrate the future of the cars in the
city in a clean energy age.

Long description

In a future in which society has its mobility based on clean energy, collective transportation and
space quality for pedestrian and cyclists, cars are no longer the main means of locomotion. What does it
mean to the structure cities have to support the traffic? How would we deal with the cars and what would
they symbolize to people?
PLUG-INTO COLOR is a colorful and enlightening electric-cars-dancing performance to
celebrate this future. We want to raise awareness for the possibilities of the mobility and space in the city
by using this “villain” in a positive way, playing with the car as a source of light and life. The purpose is to
create an exciting futurist environment where small electric cars move around shadows, shades, and
colors with noise and silence to create a beautiful choreography that encourages new thoughts about
urban mobility issues.
Cars are affective and familiar tools related to São Paulo population and system, so it is
necessary to explore this relationship in the urban space. We want to use the city jungle as the scenario
to the performance, taking place in the middle of the urbanized area that deals with traffic jams and
discussions about the use of space, the Minhocão, calling the community to develop a collaborated work.
The project can be replicated since we have been experimenting and developing this
performance to place in the Netherlands in January 2019, moreover, it can be popular in social networks.

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