Imagine a smog free city; allowing people to breathe & experience clean air for free while restructuring public spaces with urban furniture.

Long description

Smog Free Bench is an ergonomic urban bench for public spaces in CDMX made out of concrete and Geosilex, an additive that captures the carbon dioxide (CO2) of the atmosphere and as a result, it filters the air and makes it into a useful, reusable and valuable material at the end of its life cycle (calcium carbonate, a material used in the cement and glass industry) through this Chemical reaction: Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3 + H2O

The user just seats in the bench that most be located in a open space such as a park, the reactions ocurrs naturally and does not have a negative impact on the user.

The bench can filter 0.25kg of CO2 daily, for as long as 15-20 years that is the life cicle of the additive.


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