My project is all about utilizing the smallest space in the city to grow crops and rear animals to ensure there is food security.

Long description

I founded city yard farms when i realized that the real estate has eaten into our farm land, which means populations are growing but their food security is not guaranteed. I started by educating my fellow city dwellers to utilize balconies and rooftops to grow crops and rear animals for food e.g vegetables, hens for meat and eggs ,rabbits for meat and selling to pet lovers and also starter farms .

I also educate the youth to start up their own projects which will help them earn a living and keep away from drugs and violence far i have help mentor and educate more than 20 youth groups and many individual youths.

If given more financial boost i will work and increase my team which will help sensitize my city yard organic farming ideologies throughout Nairobi and its surrounding  .

I intend to get some piece of land where i can set up shop and purposely as the head quarters of the business. I also intend to acquire furniture, computers and projectors to help me host more learners during my organic farming seminars .

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