Generation of electrical energy through doing exercise/ Paying the wage to ones generate energy by stationary bicycle/ solving unemployment

Long description

The above plan is offered for Amsterdam.

In this plan, using a considerable number of stationary bicycles installed in private and public places, electrical energy is generated and transmitted into circuit.

Every bicycle is equipped with one wheel and five axels. Spinning of wheels results in spinning of generators and generates outlet electrical energy.

In consideration of generated electricity, athletes shall be remunerated and funds of this project are provided by the Ministry of Energy.

Half of amount of consumed electricity in every Kw/h is calculated per Kw/h that is counted by measuring unit mounted on the bicycle’s generator and this amount shall be deposited to the athlete’s bank card upon completion of exercise.

No costs shall be received in these locations from athletes.

Firstly, this method realizes idea of exercising and culture of gaining health by exercising within the society.

Secondly, it generates job and income for people.

Thirdly, electrical energy is generated and entered into circuit.

In fact, three problems of today’s societies may be solved in an acceptable level only through such a simple method.

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