Board game designed to raise awareness of the connections that cause energy waste and to teach the youth how decisions affect the future.

Long description

A 3D printed seesaw with depth and a 4×16 hole grid. Each player is a president, and starts in the middle with 4 small marbles lined up horizontally inside the holes. The winning area for each team is the furthest line, each in opposite extremes. The goal is to reach this area, which represents a country’s ideal state. To reach it, you go through questions which depend on the hole the player decided to put the marble in. This questions can be about environmental, technological, social/cultural, political or economic nature. If the player answers correctly, they can make their marble move one space. If they don’t, they stay in the same place. The purpose of the game is to see how every decision affects the nation’s future, as well as the connection between everyday life’s aspects, which otherwise could be regarded as problems to solve separately. The game ends when one team’s end touches the board due to disequilibrium caused by their inadequate decisions, or when one team reaches the ideal state with all of their marbles by showing their awareness of the actual situation and making the right choices to move further on.

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