TRIALL is an urban compact foldable tricycle, carried into public transportation, storable inside home or set as urban shopping trolley

Long description

TRIALL consists of a project to an urban tricycle that gathers 3 necessities to the user that desires to have an accessible type of transport and low cost maintenance mechanics for the daily routine. The light frame and the three-wheel set allows accessibility to urban mobility to a larger public, because it can offer balance and driving stability. Moved by the human energy, assisted or not with rechargeable electric battery modules. TRIALL is compact and foldable, for it can be stored in small places and very appropriate to be storable at the small apartments now common to metropolitan areas like São Paulo. Light and smart, because of its structure can carry light and medium weights, just like an urban shopping trolley, allowing the user to transport hers/his daily groceries at short distances in the city. In addition, portable and integrated, because once folded, it allows to go into the public transportation, to local markets, supermarkets and popular sales places. The ergonomics of the product provide a comfortable driving position to the user’s column. The project envisions a new kind of stability, with the tilting steering adaptable to the terrains of the city of São Paulo.

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