Viridi is a low-cost hydroponic system that utilizes design to make healthy and sustainable food accessible to everyone.
Long description
Viridi is a hydroponic system designed to provide fresh food to as many people as possible. It is unique because unlike most other systems that use rigid plastic for structure, Viridi uses a soft vinyl and tension. By using vinyl sheets the system can be produced for a much lower cost. A heat-sealed pattern in the vinyl creates tense pockets to suspend the plants, so there are no adhesives, fasteners, disposable cups, or growing mediums needed for this system. The materials used are inexpensive and every part will last for decades. The simplicity of the design limits the need for maintenance and allows the user to add or remove plants in seconds. The cost of a Viridi system is more than 10 times less than that of the most popular commercial system used today, so every income-class can afford to have a Viridi wall growing fresh food right in their own home.
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