Transforming any kind of Waste into renewable clean energy
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We are working on real solutions and not on some alternatives more. Recycling catch only 5% of waste, that means that 95% goes to landfill or dump places, mostly without, or with very poor, environmental protection. Global warming and greenhouse gases are only a small part of the problem. In Gammakat we transform up to 85% of waste into clean energy, stopping the high contamination of water, air and ground.
Gammakat is a company dedicated to developing projects to transform municipal waste into new values with the concept of Zero Waste, protecting the environment. The most waste technology is made for European Waste conditions, but the conditions in Latin America are very different and this technology doesn’t work here. Our innovation is the tropicalization of the European technology for the market in Latin America. We make the technical design for plants and we build plants in any size for the government and private industry. The technologies that we use are gasification and biomass boiler, with these technologies we produce: electricity for all kind users, heat and steam for heating houses or industrial buildings, synthetic gas for the food industry. As we can produce also synthetic Diesel fuel with high impact technology. With this big market we don’t have big problems to sell our products, as we are much cheaper than any competition who sell the same products but with very high carbon footprints.
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