It involves the training of women and youth on how to produce charcoal briquettes and Bio gas energy for sale and their own use.

Long description

Water Hyacinth For Energy is a project of New Dawn Self Help Group.This is a youth group consisting of 15 members.The group was established in  2016.

The energy project (Bio gas and charcoal briquettes) began in June 2018,the two are from water hyacinth as the only raw materials

We have been able to train 6 women groups who are currently producing 480 kgs per day

Bio gas production is currently produced by two households for their own use

We are currently carrying out this activity in partnership with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and technology(JKUAT), Naivas and Tuskys supermarkets.

We ventured into this project   to address the problem of high cost of energy,deforestation,Water hyacinth infestation on water bodies, high cost fertilizer and lack of employment among the youth and women in community.

All the above mentioned problems have partially been addressed and can effectively be eradicated should the project be applied on large scale

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