Plastic Culture

I harvest latex based vegetables, in order to produce food + Biopolymers from the same plant instead of using food as a source of bioplastic


Modular Towable Mobile System planned for the collection of reusable waste, involving citizen, private, and public participation.

Trash Clash

Mobile app in which neighborhoods will compete to become the cleanest in the city through challenges that will transform their lives.


The luo phrase "Tier dero dana" refers to the inner part of my grandmother's granary as a knowledge base for food security.

Decentralized organic valorization

Innovative approach to energy production in urban sectors from waste valorization centers, following an organic waste generation - B2B model


Spreading a non famous way of consuming and a new way of selling.
Pay, refill, consume and do it again.

Upcycling Duco lab.

Duco lab wants to promote recycling in our neighbourhood and industry by adding value to the waste we generate daily.


A platform for awareness and waste reduction behind the delivery of food at home

Terra -Green wall system

Green wall system is a modular system that consists of Trapezoid terracotta pots that can be set up in upcoming Commercial and residential